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VERA CRUZ, For Symphony Orchestra, Soprano, and SSA Choir, based on texts by João Morgado and Pêro Vaz de Caminha, 2016

Duration: approx. 40’

I. Calecute, Mar das Índias - Bina, Terra de Belmonte
II. Lamento por Bina - Terra de Vera Cruz
III. O Tormentoso - Velha Oração Mística Beirã
IV. Carta de Pêro Vaz de Caminha
V. O Escolhido - Dois Anjos

Premiere: Teatro Municipal da Guarda, May 21, 2016. Performed by the Orchestra and Choir of the Beira Interior Music Festival; Dora Rodrigues (soprano), Gustavo Delgado (conductor).

​PDF SCORE: €40.00


RENTAL OF COMPLETE SET OF PARTS FOR SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AND CHORAL SCORE: €350.00 1st Performance / €250,00 2nd Performance by the same production; / €150,00 Each of the following performances by the same production.

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